Friday, October 5, 2007

Rollercoaster week!

Bev here, me luv you not long time......or long time no see!

What a long couple of weeks! We have been so busy that we have been unable to update this blog. It has been two weeks of ups and downs. For me, downs on not having any feedback from applying to jobs, ups on getting interviews, downs for failing interviews, ups on more opportunities, downs for still not having a job yet! For Jam, downs for not having a job last week, ups for getting temping work on Monday, downs for stinky temp work, ups for possible science job interview! For us, ups on finding some really nice and cool British flatmates(gumtree is a great thing - a website bulletin board where you can find flats and flatmates), downs for not having a flat yet, ups for going out to get our own bed (we have left Mark and Dees), downs for dodgy hostel, ups for looking forward to seeing Corey this weekend....yeahhhhh!

I have been job hunting this week and it has been frustrating. A tip for others coming over: We highly recommend getting a job before you come over if possible(although in our case it wasn't really possible). The funny thing is that I have spent countless hours applying for jobs, but have had zero reply from any of them. But have had 4 agents contact me for other jobs because they found my CV after I spent 15 minutes uploading them on jobsites!

Jam has been temping at a couple of jobs this week. Although Jam doesnt like her current job, it's got awesome views. It's at the St Thomas hospital by the Thames next to the London Eye, it is such an awesome sight! Unfortunately I didn't have my camera when I picked Jam up from work....but plenty of time to still be a tourist.

I did manage to find time to got to Tottenham Court yesterday after an interview....WOW! This street is a geeks dream! There is a massive street of shops that sells computers and electronics, and all the latest stuff too. I dared not to enter many shops because I would have wanted to cried! Im glad Jam had the credit card that some respects!

Last week we got excited when we spotted our first Squirrel while flat hunting, to which one of our new flat flatmates and the letting agent thought we were nuts! Apparently they are pests, as we find possums in NZ. I guess the novelty of seeing them will wear off later on....I wonder what they taste like? Nutty?

The novelty of living here has worn off a little, mainly due to the fact we have no income yet to buy and try stuff. But once we're settled, we'll start going out and about to remind us of why we came here in the first place :) Bring on the money, and the London lifestyle minus the bad bits!

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